Harston and Newton Community Primary School
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Vision, Values and Aims

In the Spring of 2013 our governors, staff parents and children worked together to review the school’s values and aims - and to revisit its vision statement. As a result of that exercise, the following was agreed.


Our vision is:
To be a happy, friendly and safe place at the heart of the community, where each child's abilities and interests are discovered and nurtured and their achievements are celebrated.


We value:                                           We aim to:

  • Respect                                          Give children a love of learning
  • Friendship                                    Develop confident and resilient pupils
  • Caring                                             Achieve excellence in teaching and learning
  • Learning
  • Helpfulness


Everybody’s views were collected, as part of the exercise to develop school values in March 2013

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All website content copyright © Harston and Newton Community Primary School
Most children return to school Thur. 5th September