Harston and Newton Community Primary School
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Ofsted report

The school was last inspected by Ofsted in May 2023. As the full inspection of March 2014 had judged the school to be Good, we underwent a short one-day inspection, which confirmed that the school was still Good. The report noted the following.

  • Pupils are proud to attend Harston and Newton Primary School.
  • They learn well and rise to the high expectations adults have of them.
  • Their school days are full of enjoyment and they develop into responsible young people who live out the school values and show respect. 
  • The curriculum is well designed. Teachers have good subject knowledge and clearly explain new information to pupils.
  • Pupils are offered many and varied opportunities to widen their experience. The school is awash with music and there are many sports clubs and competitions.


The full report is available below.


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