Harston and Newton Community Primary School
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A message from our SENDCO… 

Hello! My name is Lloyd Douglas and I am lucky enough to be SENDCo here at Harston & Newton Community Primary School.  I completed my National Award for SEND in 2018 and have undertaken a number of training opportunities to help support staff and children alike.

At Harston & Newton we pride ourselves on working together to create an inclusive learning environment for all our children to ensure they get every opportunity to succeed and thrive.

We pride ourselves on recognising children as individuals so are creative in our approach to supporting them whilst keeping their voice, aspirations and wishes at the heart of their support.

Our staff receive high quality information and bespoke training needed to support our children, which they they then make a priority to implement into the classroom.

We aim to quickly identify pupils who are making limited progress and provide targeted interventions and support to meet their needs and close gaps. We provide you as parents/carers with information about our SEND processes and procedures, as well as ensure you are informed of your child’s learning at regular points throughout the year. We work alongside the Local Authority and Health Professionals to find the most appropriate and effective support for pupils within our care.

The following documents will give you more information in relation to SEND and how school and home can work together to support our children.  If you have any questions relating to your child, please speak to their class teacher initially.  However, if you would like to arrange a phone call or meeting with myself following discussions with the class teacher, please contact the school office on 01223 870345 to book an appointment or email

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We have a vacancy for a level 2 Teaching Assistant. See the Key Information tab for details and an application form.