Harston and Newton Community Primary School
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At Harston and Newton, we follow the Nelson Handwriting Scheme.  The programme begins as children start to form letters in Reception and continues to develop throughout each key stage. Once children are forming letters clearly and accurately, we begin to focus on making accurate joins, ensuring that writing is legible and all lettering is formed at the correct size.   


All children have a taught handwriting lesson on a weekly basis to help with correct letter formation.   We also use specific writing exercise books in KS1 which contain handwriting guidelines so that children have regularly opportunities to think about correct letter formation in their English lessons as well as in a discrete handwriting session.  

When children progress into KS2, and their writing is joined and more fluent, they have the opportunity to use a handwriting pen. 

Early Writing Development

Our children in Pre-School take part in a number of fun activities to promote their physical development and help support fine and gross motor skills.


Dough Disco is an opportunity to play with play dough and learn fun rhymes and songs.  While Wiggle into Squiggle is a physical activity programme which helps to develop gross motor skills.  Ultimately both of these combine to help children become physically ready to learn to write formally when they enter Reception.



Physical Development in Pre-School

Examples of children's handwriting work

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We have a vacancy for a level 2 Teaching Assistant. See the Key Information tab for details and an application form.