Harston and Newton Community Primary School
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Admission for Reception 2023
If your child was born between 01.09.2018 and 31.08.2019, he or she will start school in September 2023.
      The initial round of applications opens on 12th September 2022  and ends on 15th January 2023. All applications must be made through the Cambridgeshire Admissions departments and there is a link to the application form below.  Parents will be notified of the outcome on 19th April 2023. 

We welcome visits from prospective parents, as we believe that the best way to judge a school is to see it in action. Please telephone the school office (01223 870345) to arrange a tour of the school and a meeting with the headteacher.

Once your child had been offered a place by the local authority, the school will contact you. 


There will be an  initial meeting for Reception parents in June 2023.  New Reception children and their parents are invited to Stay-and-Play sessions  in June. We carry our home visits to all children before they start in Reception and these usually take place in the first few days of the Autumn term. 

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