Harston and Newton Community Primary School
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Assemblies are an important part of school life, as they provide an opportunity for the school community to come together, reflect on shared values, and celebrate achievements.  The assemblies cover a range of themes, including stories from the major world religions, fables and tales from across the globe, festivals, and an understanding of the values and moral codes held by members of our diverse community.

   The children have opportunities to ask questions and express opinions. We encourage all children to reflect on important issues and the way we behave towards others. There are opportunities for visitors and special guests to contribute to these assemblies;  once per term each class has an opportunity to share with the rest of the school what they have been learning.

   Some assemblies are for the whole school, others take place in Key Stage or class groups. On Friday we have a Celebration Assembly where certificates are awarded and children have the opportunity to share their achievements, both academic and sporting.

   Assemblies are led by various members of staff; the plan and themes for the term can be found in the linked document at the foot of this page.

   Parents are welcome to make an appointment to discuss RE or assemblies with a member of the Senior Leadership Team. They have the right to request that their child does not attend assemblies or RE lessons. However, we believe this would be detrimental to the child’s education and would mean them missing out on opportunities when moral issues and school values are shared.

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