Harston and Newton Community Primary School
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Welcome to Amethyst Class 2023-2024!   


Here is some information about all of the learning and exciting things which takes place in Year 5 and Year 6!

Miss Davis is the Y5/6 teacher and Miss Pluck and Mrs Markham offer classroom  support.  


P.E. is taught by Mr. Cox on a Tuesday afternoon and Thursday morning.  

Mrs. Lihoreau will teach music to the class on Wednesday afternoon (Y6) and Thursday afternoon (Y5), and Spanish will be taught by Mrs. Sanders on a Tuesday afternoon as usual. 



Meet the Teacher Evening

This took place at 5.30pm on Wednesday 13th September 2023.  Please see the documents below for more information. 


If you already a member of the Cambridgeshire Library Service, why not see what materials are available to read/borrow online 
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All website content copyright © Harston and Newton Community Primary School
Most children return to school Thur. 5th September