Harston and Newton Community Primary School
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Performance data

KS2 SATs Headlines (2024)

Percentage of pupils who achieved the expected standard or above in reading, writing and maths:

74% of pupils reached the expected standard in RWM combined, compared to 61% nationally. This is higher than the National Average.

95% of pupils reached the expected standard in reading, compared to 74% nationally. This is 21% above the National Average.

74% of pupils reached the expected standard in writing, compared to 72% nationally. This is in line with the National Average.

95% of pupils reached the expected standard in Grammar Punctuation and Spelling, compared to 72% nationally. This is 23% above the National Average.

90% of pupils reached the expected standard in mathematics, compared to 72% nationally. This is 18% above the National Average.
90% of pupils reached the expected standard in science, compared to 80% nationally. This is 10% higher than the National Average.

Percentage of pupils who achieved a high level of attainment in reading, writing and maths (GDS):

58% of pupils reached greater depth standard in reading, compared to 29% nationally. 

0% of pupils reached greater depth standard in writing, compared to 13% nationally. 

63% of pupils reached greater depth standard in Grammar Punctuation and Spelling, compared to 30% nationally.
47% of pupils reached greater depth standard in mathematics, compared to 24% nationally. 


EYFS Headlines (2024)

Percentage of pupils who reached the Good Level of Development:

85% of pupils reached the expected standard in GLD combined, compared to 67% nationally. This will be above the National Average.

Reading Comprehension (ELG): 92% of pupils reached the expected standard in reading, compared to 81% nationally. This is 11% above the National Average

Word Reading (ELG): 92% of pupils reached the expected standard in reading, compared to 76% nationally. This is 16% above the National Average

Writing (ELG): 85% of pupils reached the expected standard in writing, compared to 71% nationally.

Number (ELG): 92% of pupils reached the expected standard in number, compared to 79% nationally.
Number Patterns (ELG): 92% of pupils reached the expected standard in number, compared to 78% nationally.

Phonics Headlines (2024)

Percentage of pupils who reached ‘working at’ standard in Year 1:

86% of pupils reached the working at standard, compared to 79% nationally. This is above the National Average.

Percentage of pupils who reached ‘working at’ standard in Year 2:

92% of pupils reached the working at standard, compared to 89% nationally. This is above the National Average.


KS1 SATs Headlines (2024)

Percentage of pupils who achieved the expected standard or above in reading, writing and maths:

62% of pupils reached the expected standard in RWM combined, compared to 56% nationally.

85% of pupils reached the expected standard in reading, compared to 68% nationally.

62% of pupils reached the expected standard in writing, compared to 60% nationally.

69% of pupils reached the expected standard in mathematics, compared to 70% nationally.
85% of pupils reached the expected standard in science, compared to 79% nationally.

Our 2024 Year 6 cohort achieved great things in many more ways than in SATs, although it just so happens that their SATs attainment is above national in all areas. Well done to our amazing children and staff who have taught them throughout the years, and thank you to our parents and carers as well - what a great partnership!

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Most children return to school Thur. 5th September