Harston and Newton Community Primary School
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Lunch Menus

Increase in prices of school meals


For pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 school meals are free.

But from September 2023 the prices for meals for our other children will increase:

Years 3 - 6:   £3.05 per day or £15.25 per week.

Pre-School:  £2.40 per day or £12.00 per week.

Dinner money should be paid in advance using the online payment system, which also gives details of your current credit balance. Please contact the school office if you require more information about how to make payments. If your child is entitled to Pupil Premium funding, the cost of their school meals is automatically met.

    From September 2020 our school lunches have been provided by HCL Catering. School meals are cooked on site and contain a wide range of fresh ingredients; there is a three-weekly menu. Children can choose whether to have a school meal or bring a packed lunch from home each day. Details of the current menu are given below and you can also go to the Company's website


Healthy Families - Nutrition and Physical Activity Directory


This link will take you to a directory of support and information to help your family with eating well and moving more:

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All website content copyright © Harston and Newton Community Primary School
Most children return to school Thur. 5th September