Harston and Newton Community Primary School
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The Local Advisory Board supports the school by:

  • taking a largely strategic role in the running of the school

  • acting as a critical friend to the school

If you wish to contact the local advisory board for any reason, please do so by telephoning (01223 870345) or emailing the school office. ( You will be asked to briefly explain your query, to ensure that it is passed to the most appropriate person. 


Alastair Oatey (Co-opted Governor, Chair) is Business Director at Wesley House, a theological college in Cambridge. He is a Chartered Member of the Institute of Personnel and Development. Alastair has been a Governor since 2009.

Joy Richardson (Co-opted Governor) has 20 years of experience of school governance in both maintained and independent schools, and has been a Governor here since 2011. Joy’s professional experience includes Primary teaching, teacher training and working as an Ofsted inspector.



Siobhan Rouse (Headteacher) was appointed in April 2016, having previously been a headteacher in Cambridge City and at a large Infants school in London. She has over 30 years of teaching experience, across the Primary age range.



Margaret Greeves (Local Authority Governor, 2021) has 35 years of experience at working in and with museums, large and small.  She is committed to early years education, with a special interest in learning through the creative arts.



James Martin has been a Harston resident for over 20 years. He is a Chartered Accountant and works for TTP Group, based in Melbourn. James joined the governing body in December 2023 and is a member of the Finance Committee.




Ana Gouveia (Parent Governor) has 18 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, working on the safety of medicinal products. Her children are both students at Harston and Newton Primary School. With an interest in supporting the community, and using her auditing background, she became a governor at the end of 2021.


Deidre Mallabone (Parent Governor) has been a secondary school Biology teacher for the last 14 years. Her daughter recently started at Harston and Newton Primary School, which prompted her to become more involved in the local community as a Parent Governor. She is interested in Science education, and learning outside of the classroom on trips and visits.


Catherine Vagh (Co-opted Governor) has more than 15 years experience in teaching across the Primary age range. She has worked in the state and independent sectors in Cambridgeshire. Catherine has a particular interest in pedagogy and how technology can enhance learning. 


Janette Evely (Staff Governor)


James Walsh


Harston and Newton Primary School is led by the CAM Academy Trust. You can read more about the governance structure of the Trust and the key documents like Scheme of Delegate on the Trust website here.


Harston and Newton Governing Body Membership

Minutes of Governors meetings
1 1 8 7 6 1 Visitors
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